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domingo, 22 de marzo de 2015

FUNDACIÓN BUEN GOBIERNO 03 / 24 / 2015 Invita al Conversatorio Jason Furman, asesor de Barak Obama


                              Jason Furman, 
          asesor de Barak Obama, en Colombia
        Impacto de la recuperación económica de EE.UU. en                                                            Colombia 

Con el tema Impacto de la recuperación económica de EE.UU. en Colombia, la Fundación Buen Gobierno y la Cámara de Comercio Colombo Americana –AmCham Colombia-, realizan este martes 24 de marzo un importante diálogo ante empresarios sobre el estado y el futuro de las relaciones comerciales y de inversión entre Colombia y Estados Unidos, en momentos en que esta potencia se encuentra en proceso de recuperación, generando nuevas oportunidades para nuestro país. 
Los protagonistas de este encuentro son Jason Furman, presidente del Consejo de Asesores Económicos del Presidente de Estados Unidos, Barak Obama, y el señor ministro de Hacienda de Colombia, Mauricio Cárdenas. Como moderador estará el exembajador de Colombia en Gran Bretaña y ex director del diario Portafolio, Mauricio Rodríguez.  
El conversatorio se realiza este martes 24 de marzo en el Auditorio de la Federación
Nacional de Cafeteros.
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Profile Jason Furman, Chairman of the Council of Economic AdvisersJason

Furman is the Chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers. Prior to this role, he served as Assistant to the President for Economic Policy and the Principal Deputy Director of the National Economic Council. From 2007 to 2008 Furman was a Senior Fellow in Economic Studies and Director of the Hamilton Project at the Brookings Institute. Previously, he served as a Staff Economist at the Council of Economic Advisers, a Special Assistant to the President for Economic Policy at the National Economic Council under President Clinton and Senior Adviser to the Chief Economist and Senior Vice President of the World Bank. Furman was the Economic Policy Director for Obama for America.Furman, who earned his Ph.D. in economics and a M.A. in government from Harvard University and a M.Sc. in economics from the London School of Economics, has also served as Visiting Scholar at NYU’s Wagner Graduate School of Public Service, a visiting lecturer at Yale and Columbia Universities, and a Senior Fellow at the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities. He has conducted research in a wide range of areas, including fiscal policy, tax policy, health economics, Social Security, and monetary policy. In addition to numerous articles in scholarly journals and periodicals, Furman is the editor of several books on economic policy, including Path to Prosperity and Who Has the Cure.
                                          Jason Furman, Chairman
                                 Profile       Mauricio Cárdenas Santa María
Mr. Mauricio Cárdenas Santa María serves as Minister of Finance and Public Credit of Colombia. Mr. María was the Minister of Mines and Energy of Colombia from September 26, 2011 to August 30, 2012. He served as the Principal of Ecopetrol SA. He served as the President of Empresa de Energía de Bogota since 1993. He served as Minister of Economic Development of Colombia. He was an Investigator of Fedesarrollo. Since 1998, he served as a Minister of Transportation and served as the Director of the National Planning Agency of Colombia. He served as the President of Titularizadora de Colombia. He was a Visiting Professor for the Center of International Development at Harvard University from March 2001 to June 2001 and served several positions as a Researcher and Professor at various universities. Mr. María has been an Executive Director of Fedesarrollo (Fundación para la Educación Superior y el Desarrollo) since 2003. He serves as a Director of Isagen S.a. E.s.p. He has been a Director of Ecopetrol SA since March 27, 2008. He serves as a Governor of Inter-American Development Bank and The Caribbean Development Bank. He serves as a Director of Gecelca SA E.S.P. He has been a Member of Board of Governors at Central American Bank for Economic Integration since September 3, 2012. He served as Director of Interconexión Eléctrica S.A. E.S.P. since October 18, 2011. He has published various economic treatises, articles and research papers. Mr. Cárdenas Santamaría earned a BA and an MSc in Economics from Universidad de los Andes and obtained a Ph.D. in Economics from the University of California, Berkeley.
                                         Mauricio Cárdenas Santa María
                        web oficial


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